One of the best ways to spend time with kids is to take them hiking. Hiking is fantastic exercise for both you and your child, and it can be a lot of fun as well. Places like Moab are perfect for hiking, whether one lives there or is going there on vacation. There are a lot of trails to choose from, and some of them are better suited for hiking with kids than others. Here are just three examples of places to go hiking with kids in Moab:
1. Delicate Arch. This is one of the most famous hikes for a reason. It is a fairly short hike, though at first it can be a little challenging as the hike to the arch is entirely uphill. However, the whole way back it is downhill, so it is a nice rest afterward. The arch itself is beautiful, and there are places one can sit around to have lunch or take pictures.
2. Balance Rock. This is easily the shortest and easiest trail on the list. It’s perfect for hiking with kids for those that want to take it slow, or if they are new to hiking. Kids will also love to see the gigantic rock at the end of it, so it’s perfect for those looking for a short but still fun adventure.
3. Corona Arch. This hike is also on the easier side, though there will be some parts that kids may need some help with. The arch itself is a gorgeous sight, and the trail allows one to go at a slower pace if need be.
When hiking with kids it is also important to make sure to bring plenty of water, take frequent rests, and to be dressed for the weather. Stay safe, and have fun out on the trails!