Hiking is one of the best ways to experience the outdoors, and it can be an especially great way to spend time with the whole family. However, hiking with kids can be difficult, as they simply can’t go on longer trails, and can get easily tired or distracted. As a result, picking some easier trails with unique views is usually a good idea. Here are just a few examples of some great hiking trails to take kids on:
1. Corona Arch. This is a wonderful trail that is often overlooked. It isn’t very long, and has an amazing arch at the end of it that one can easily hike over to and stand under. It should take roughly two hours total, but the trail itself isn’t even two miles long. It is important to note that running around this trail is not a good idea, as there are places one could fall and hurt themselves.
2. Fisher Towers. This is a bit of a longer trail, though one can choose to leave early if it is too long. A little over four miles, this trail is unique because it has several amazing rock formations throughout. There are a lot of things to see, and it is definitely a trail that should keep kids entertained.
3. The Windows. Located in Arches National Park, The Windows arch trail is only one mile long, and has great opportunities for taking photos. There are two different arches to see here, and both are easy to get to. One can also sit under the arches here, which can be a lot of fun for kids especially.
It’s also important to note that another great way to keep kids entertained in the outdoors is to combine hiking with other activities, such as jeeping. Make sure to bring plenty of water, and stay safe and have fun out there.