Moab, Utah, is a beautiful place to live and visit. With the amazing red rocks, gorgeous views, green La Sal Mountains, and the famous Colorado River, Moab is a hotspot for all kinds of outdoor recreation, and for good reason. One of the best ways to enjoy the outdoors in Moab is to go camping. There are several great camping spots in Moab, and here are just a few of them:
1. Nation Park Campgrounds. There are a number of these, from The Devil’s Garden Campground to Dead Horse Point State Park Campground, and more. Many of them offer RV space, and they are all right by some great hiking trails.
2. BLM Campgrounds. From the Big Bend Campgrounds right by the river, to Fisher Towers Campground, to Ken’s Lake Campground the BLM ones are also often right by hiking trails or else offer easy access to other kinds of outdoor recreation. One can choose depending on if they want to be by the water, or out in the desert.
3. Commercial Campgrounds. There are also a lot of commercial campgrounds if that is what one prefers. They take reservations, and there are RV parks or cabins one can choose from. There are also several places like Sorrel River Ranch or Red Cliffs Lodge that also have extras like a winery and horseback riding on the property.
No matter where one chooses to stay, the campground is bound to be right by amazing sights and opportunities for outdoor recreation. Whether one is going jeeping, hiking, biking, or river rafting, camping in Moab is a great – and usually cheaper – way to stay.